Rescue Remedy blend + Mimulus & Vine
Healing, Balancing, Restorative Releasing, Calming.
Can assist with:
- Migraine
- severe tension headache
- 'cluster headache' episodes
- frustration & confusion
- distress
- high blood pressure
- period pain
- anxiety attacks
- dermatitis (from suppressed anger) or anger issues
- labour and birth
Can affect change for anyone who is moving through a stressful time and needs the frequency of 'trust and all will be well' to infuse their life.
Mimulus to help cope with the 'small details' and irritations of sensitivities to Light, Noise, Smells etc. Vine to aid a 'release' and to 'loosen the grip' that tension from headaches act upon the Body, Mind and Spirit.
Release Flower Essence Blend
Take 4 to 7 drops under the tongue, or in a glass of water. Add 12 to 21 drops into 500ml+ of water and sip it during the day. Add 12 to 21 drops to a 30ml atomiser and spray as required into the mouth.