Providing support for people, planet, places and spaces since 2007
All the know-how, with all the how-to...
Learn to live in harmony with your environment, honouring the Earth, your Being and the places you dwell in.
find out more
Flying Stars Forecast with Calendar
The Annual Influences Guide is useful for beginners and experienced Feng Shui enthusiasts, listing month by month influences, and elemental balancing suggestions, using Flying Stars Feng Shui strategies that you can employ in your home, business, body and lifestyle.
NEW POD option now available! All purchases receive a digital file immediately. Print on Demand purchases take approximately 10 business days to ship.

Holistic Feng Shui Assessment Report
Release old patterns and clear energetic grids that may be holding you back from achieving improvement with any Life Aspect: Wealth, Health, Harmony or Happiness.
Feng Shui techniques can promote change and a new life experience filled with abundance, great health and peace.
(Now available on a payment plan)

Feng Shui | Earth Magic
The Holistic Health philosophy is one of integration.
Holistic Feng Shui uses knowledge in practical form from authentic Flying Stars Feng Shui and pairs it with Earth Magic (Geomancy) insights from various cultures, to help understand the spaces and places we live or work in.
Intuition driven insights, developed by quiet observation, enable us to discover the invisible layers of energy that influence everyday occurrences. When this etheric knowledge is combined with the academic Flying Stars Feng Shui technique, we tap into abundant universal energy, supported with Holistic Health modalities.
By following a way of life that involves a connection to the forces of nature, it becomes simpler to identify what encourages health, wealth and harmony. In Feng Shui this is called 'The Cosmic Trinity'; Heaven, Human and Earth influences in balanced harmony.
When you understand these influences you have the ability to work in harmony with the natural world to promote success, clarity and prosperity. That's Flying Stars Feng Shui, in plain language ;).
'Jannette Tibbs Holistic Therapy Connections' was founded in 2007, after gaining my qualification as a Senior Holistic Feng Shui Practitioner from The Institute of Holistic Feng Shui on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia.
I have had the pleasure of completing Flying Stars Feng Shui Assessments for all kinds of people and businesses, providing reports for properties locally and interstate. Why do I love Holistic Feng Shui? It can assist anyone,
of any culture, at any point in life, wherever they are on the planet.

Feng Shui is the art of observation, not placement...
To 'place' anything correctly we must first observe and make correct choices for the energy present and the energy we are wishing to attract or repel.
Time and effort placing correctly effects our lives in various ways...
it helps to align universal, galactic and planetary support for all our endeavours.
it can alleviate distracting stressors that affect our everyday lives.
when our spaces are aligned energetically we will feel that beautiful frequency of divine support and encouragement.
the act of observing requires you to focus, and the placement of objects, activities, actions and behaviours in our lives focusses energy on and in to those life aspects, generating opportunities for rapid progression and easy, flowing, success.
Are you ready to activate Earth Magic? (Thankyou for your patience while this feature is being set up) I'm so happy to be nearing the opportunity of offering to host a learning forum for you. For a long time I have been imagining how I could make this happen, this vision of bringing Questions towards Answers and Solutions, guided by the authentic observational study of Flying Stars Feng Shui. Helping others to find their homes and businesses illuminated with positive, healthy, abundant, prosperous energy is what I love to do. I've written manuals, presented workshops, worked with students, but now, it is time to offer something more... The Holistic Feng Shui Private Forum will be a virtual club where we get to talk energy, homes, hearts and magic-centred living using the ancient knowledge of Flying Stars Feng Shui! What I noticed when presenting workshops or working with students was that as soon as there was group discussion, we all learned so much more from each other. More solutions, more tips, more knowledge! Join me on the HFS forum to discuss what's going on energetically and dive a little deeper into the manuals you may have already purchased. There is simply so much to share when it comes to geomancy (geo=earth, mancy=divination) and practical application of observation techniques. We can use this for ourselves to heal personal issues, for our family to increase health and wellbeing, and for our businesses and finances to promote prosperity and an easy flow to our endeavours. This forum will give you the opportunity to also access discounts on private tutoring and private sessions if you have particular, specific and private Feng Shui requests. Blessings Nette xx